Spring is my favorite time of year; I feel excited about the possibilities of new projects and where they will lead me. I am outside more; the weather is warmer and more inviting. I love using the 5 Elements to track my progress in self-development and to gain a deeper appreciation of the more subtle themes that each season has to offer. Based on the 5 Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), The Spring Season is represented by Wood Element. I believe that "Wood" is my Element and my secondary, maybe Earth. I also have a lot of Metal and Water influences. The reason why I sound uncertain about my primary and secondary elements is that I might just be going through a phase like moving through a house in astrology. So, it is hard to know for sure what my true element is, but I identify greatly with Wood. My default emotions are anger or self-criticism, as well as inspiration and moving forward with intention and courage. Knowing this gives me the opportunity to pause when agitated, take a couple of deep breaths, and recalibrate myself.
Working with the energy of the Wood Element can help feed our entire spirit mentally, emotionally, and physically, launching us into a solid and memorable year. This is a time to implement the next chapter of our lives and pursue the dreams and plans that we've been envisioning during the winter.
What to look for when we begin to get out of alignment
Emotionally, the Spring Element is associated with self-criticism and judgment. Self-criticism (yin energy) can manifest as anger turned inward. When this is out of balance, it can cause stagnation and back up our energy, but when recognized, it can be a catalyst for significant change and championing the underdog.
Judgment (yang energy) anger turned outward causes separation and isolation, but learning to be more inclusive when presented with different or threatening ideas can lead to a more authentic perspective of the world and ourselves. This can bring about more personal development, and symbolically, Spring is about new growth.
As for physical health, the Spring Element governs the liver and gallbladder organs and meridians. Finding ways to detox these organs gently will lead to a healthier body and open the path for a good year.
Techniques for balancing the Wood Element:
LV2 (Liver 2)- located between the big and second toe, on top of the foot, in the webbing: Hold this point on both feet for 2-3 minutes if you notice too much anger or frustration. This point will release or drain the excess emotions from your body to help you achieve balance.
LV3 (Liver 3)- This is the Source Point for the Liver Meridian and balances the Wood Element. This is a nourishing point for the Liver. The point is about an inch above LV2, nestled in a dip where the bones meet on the top of your foot. You can hold LV3 if you have too much or too little energy in the Liver Meridian. LV3 on both sides of the feet are the gates to allow the earth’s energy to move up into the body. Try holding this point on both feet for 3 minutes or so if you want to balance:
Irritable eyes or blurred vision
Bringing fresh energy up into the body
Holding GB40 (the source point) is the balancing point and also to balance frustration. If there is too much or too little energy, use this point. To locate this point, find your anklebone just below the center, move towards your toes, and feel for a divot in the fleshy part below the bone. Hold this point for 3 minutes.
One of the most nourishing things you can do for the Wood Element is to add lemon juice to your water in the morning and drink it first thing. Lemon water helps detox your liver and supports digestion, aids in weight loss, nourishes your skin, reduces inflammation, boosts your immune system, and lowers your blood pressure!